Tuesday, 11 December 2012

In Memory Of A Little Dog That Only Wanted To Be Loved

Dear Penny

You were loved. People cried for you. I am still crying for you. You didn't deserve what happened to you. You were a little dog with a sweet loving spirit. You just wanted to be loved. And...

...you were loved. I loved you so much. I wish I could go back and just grab you up and take you out of that house where you died. You didn't just die. Someone killed you, so cruelly, so painfully. I still can't believe it. 

Dear little Penny. Your life was short and painful and the people who were supposed to save you, to rescue you, betrayed you. I am so sorry. So many of us cried for you. If only we had known, if only, if only, if only.

Dear lovely Penny...You were loved. You were. Your short life...I feel like people should know you were here. People should know that every creature born is born wanting to be loved and to give love. You wanted to give love, even though you were afraid...I will never forget how afraid you were but how you came to me, with that sideways shuffle, with your head down, your tail wagging, your fearful eyes but...they were full of love...they said, 'I want to love you and I'm afraid. But I'll still try, I'll still come over there, even though I've been hit so many times, I'll still try, because this might be where I finally find love...' 

I don't know why one beautiful little tan pug, you little Penny, has to endure going from a home where you were beaten with a golf club, then, into a 'rescuers' home where, recovering from surgery for the golf club beating, you were killed so horribly and purposefully. If I had known...If any of us had known...we would have gotten you out of there, where we thought you were safe and we'd still be hugging you, loving you.  

I want to write a happy ending for you. The only happy ending I can think of is that you're in the arms of the angels. You will never be hurt again. You will forever be loved and know that many of us still miss you. Little Penny. I will never forget you and I will always, in your memory, sweet loving little spirit, work for all living beings suffering.

It is the smallest thing I can do to make sure your short sad time here was not totally senseless. 

Good night sweet Penny...gone now for five years...never forgotten...sleep softly.

Dear little Penny...I will write about you. And I will write a happy ending for you and wish it were so.

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