Saturday, 13 September 2014

Vancouver Elevators Display Rider's Weight

The city that likes to call itself The Most Beautiful City In The World, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, is spending over $7 million to retro-fit the city's 25,000 plus elevators with sensors that will display each rider's weight in the floor at their feet.

"Vancouver is a beautiful city full of beautiful people and we want to keep it that way so really the weight display is only the beginning." says Trudy Spencer-Flint the city's 'Director of Beautification'.
Some may wish to use this when elevators in Vancouver display their weight!

"Vancouver is also spear heading a major advance in lift technology by scanning each rider's face and scoring it for symmetry, lack of blemish, grooming, make-up application because after all you can be healthy and slim but have a face like Mr. Ed."

The city's willingness to spend money on something some might consider frivalous considering the tremendous issues Vancouver faces with homelessness, violence, disenfranchisement, transit, water quality and the dip in tourism doesn't wash with Spencer-Flint. "This is an important advancement for the health of Vancourverites. We want to see those elevator numbers drop year after year until our ridership is predominately in the double zero to zero size range. We will save millions in health care costs."

Regarding the Face Scanner 4000 TLC,  an advanced version of current law enforcement face scanning technologies, that will rate the attractiveness of a rider's face Spencer-Flint had this to say, "This is not to say that ugly people have no value in society, I mean if you didn't have someone to compare beautiful people to how would you know they were beautiful, so you need ugly people, they are like the night sky. You need the dark to see the stars."

Trudy Spencer Flint - Director of Beautification City of Vancouver

Spencer-Flint then smiled at her own metaphor, "Perhaps the night could be given over to the ugly people in Vancouver."

Tourism Vancouver is expecting no drop in tourists visiting the city because of the new elevator system but they are expecting a 95% drop in elevator ridership.

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