Sunday, 23 September 2012

Well, here it is. Finished. Complete. Done. Feels Good. Roll the shoulders. Have a little stretch. Pat myself on the back. Good job.

People to thank. I wish I had a little gold trophy to hold.(I once held an Oscar. Yep. An Oscar. They are heavy. I didn't want to let it go.) Terri-Lee for her great editing and proofreading.

And a special thank you to the director who asked me to write the screenplay on which I have based this book and then never read it. If he had read it and if it had been produced the story would have stayed as it was, and that would have been a crime.

In the course of writing for the page again, after years of writing the screenplay form, I rediscovered the joy of the printed (albeit digital) page. And in slowing down and entering the story again, this time with the facility to enter the thoughts of my characters, I discovered a much richer story than the screenplay expressed.

So, here it is. I love this story. I have loved it for years and now I love it a lot more, because it was allowed the time to grow and become what it should have been since the beginning.

I hope you like it too!